Three Main Paleo Substitutes in Recipes

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Paleo Substitutes in Recipes

When Lisa A. Post is not busy in her role as president of Edward J. Post Co Inc. in Medford, New Jersey, she enjoys cooking. Recently, Ms. Post has begun exploring paleo recipes with the goal of eating healthier. Paleo is a diet that sticks to lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. Many staple items in standard diets are out, which means paleo cooks must be creative with their substitutes.

One of the main differences between typical diets and paleo is the restriction on wheat. Cutting out grains and wheat can be challenging at first, but coconut flour is a delicious substitute. Paleo cooks also use tapioca flour, almond flour, and other wheat replacements. These substitutes taste just as good as all-purpose flour when used in cakes, cookies, and breads.

Many paleo chefs also substitute almond or coconut milk for cow’s milk. For creamy recipes, or recipes that call for a sweeter taste, it is best to use coconut milk. For most other recipes, paleo cooks prefer almond milk. When choosing a nut milk, read the label to guarantee that it has only nuts, as many nut milks also contain sugar, preservatives, and other ingredients that conflict with the paleo diet. You can also try your hand at making your own nut milks from cashews, almonds, pistachios, and hazelnuts.

The paleo diet also cuts out sugar. Instead of sugar, try honey or maple syrup. Studies connect refined sugar to many modern health issues, and some research says sugar is addictive. Maple syrup and honey are much more natural, healthier options.